Problem: Dealership was spending on a CRM to manage sales, an accounting system to track expenses and a dealer management software(DMS) to manage inventory and deals processing. Managers have to input customer information a second time into the DMS after the lead is added to the CRM. Staff must input inventory expense information twice - once in DMS and once in Accounting. Information is reported from separate systems and manually consolidated to draw conclusions regarding business performance.
Goal: Simplify the business processes, reduce costs and complexity, and improve business performance. Input customer information only once or receive it automatically into the CRM. Input expense data once against inventory and automatically have the information flow into Accounting. Have all sales and expenses automatically posted into accounting. Improve fraud protection, and eliminate any duplicate activities. Enable automation and management from lead through deals to accounting.
Strategy: Leverage Autodeals software as a service with automatic lead routing, CRM, deal management, inventory management, data feeds, workflow, work planning, messaging, and accounting. Apply automated measures and processes and reduce repetitive labor.
Work Process: Begin to use Autodeals CRM, Messaging, and dealer management system immediately. Add any missing lender contracts and specialty forms into system for access. Train managers on sales and management in the CRM, the deal contracting process, the messaging system, and the workflow/task management system. Consult with accounting on the Chart of Accounts and accounting flow and configure automated accounting transactions. Train bookkeepers in all aspects of dealership processes in three days. Migrate all existing DMS and CRM data to Autodeals.
Summary: Dealership up and running on core system in first week of operations. Complete system cutover from accounting took about 90 days to complete in order to account for reconciliation periods for each bank account. Management can now see end to end performance of their business and the accounting financials are reported in real time.